Chromebooks & Printing Services

In-Library Chromebook Borrowing

Need to browse the internet or check one of your online accounts? Don't have access to a device/computer? Borrow one of our Chromebooks to use in the Library.

1. Use of Chromebook requires a picture ID/DL to be held at the circulation desk.

2. Chromebook must remain inside the library.

3. There is a time limit of 1 hour per person per day.

4. Borrower is responsible for any and all damages to the Chromebook.

Library Print Services

The Library can print your documents.

Printing &  Copying Fees: BW 20 cents per page.         Color 40 cents per page.

Faxing Fees:   1-5 pgs $1.00 per page         6-25 pgs $5.00 flat fee          26+ pgs $10.00 flat fee

Documents located on devices or in emails must be emailed to the Library for printing.

Attach/Forward documents to the library's printing email address.

email address:

Notify the circulation desk of your printing needs.

Print from Home

Call the library prior to printing for details on using this service. 740-335-2540

1. Attach/Forward documents to the library's printing email address.

email address:

2. Include the full name of the sender. Instructions for printing. (Number of pages to be printed and quantity of each page to print, etc.)

3. Include the name of the person to pick up documents.

4. The library will send an email reply once prints are completed and ready for pickup.

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