Legal Resources

Leading Age Ohio: Ohio Advance Directives, Living Will, and Health Care Power of Attorney Forms
Ohio Legal Help: Legal information, Forms, Find a Lawyer
Supreme Court of Ohio: Domestic Relations and Juvenile Standardized Forms
Supreme Court of Ohio: Standardized Forms

  • Local Legal Resources and eFiling
    • eFiling is now required in the Court of Common Pleas, General Division, for Domestic Relations Cases. Below are general instructions for filing.
Washington CH Municipal CourtInformation about the Washington Court House Municipal Court, including forms, court information, record search, and online payments.
eFiling WebsitePro Se Litigant eFiling- Fayette County, Ohio.
City of Washington CH Code of OrdinancesA searchable listing of all current ordinances for Washington Court House, Ohio.

  • Ohio Legal Resources

Ohio Attorney GeneralThe Attorney General’s Office consists of more than 30 sections and special divisions, each with distinct duties. The team works hard to fight crime and help victims heal, to support law enforcement and consumers, to safeguard those in need, and much more. 
Ohio Child Support CalculatorThe Ohio Child Support Calculator will provide an estimate of the support obligations that may be included in a court or administrative child support order.
Ohio Governor’s Expedited Pardon ProjectAimed at enhancing and expediting the process by which people apply for clemency under Ohio’s laws, this project was established in collaboration between Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, the Drug Enforcement and Policy Center at The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, and the Reentry Clinic at The University of Akron School of Law.
Ohio ProtectsInformation about RoboCalls, including how to stop and report RoboCalls. You can also text the word “ROBO” to 888111 to report illegal robocalls. The Unwanted Call Notification PDF Form (PDF) can be printed, too.
Ohio Sunshine LawsOhio’s Public Records and Open Meetings laws, collectively known as the “Sunshine Laws,” give Ohioans access to government meetings and records. 
Southeastern Ohio Legal ServicesLegal resources arranged by topic (consumer problems, family law, housing, healthcare, seniors, veterans, etc.).