Taxes & The Library

AARP Tax Prep volunteers will be here each Wednesday, beginning February 5th, through April 9th. Call us at 740.335.2540 for more information and to schedule your appointment! Note: AARP Tax Prep appointments are available on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Federal and city tax forms are available in the Adult Department, while supplies last. Note: The library will not be receiving any paper forms for Ohio taxes.

Forms, schedules, worksheets, etc. can be printed at the library. The first five pages are free, and subsequent copies are 20¢ a page. 

Federal Tax Information:
File Online
Federal Forms and Instructions 
Order Forms and Publications by U.S. Mail or call 1-800-829-3676

State Tax Information:
File Online 
State Forms and Instructions. Call 1-800-282-1780 order tax products to be delivered by mail.